Haze everywhere!

Alright guys, since I have nothing to talk about, I will post some of the things I do when there's haze, which is frequently happening in Malaysia right now. Apparently, tertiary education doesn't get to have a day off when the haze is at an unhealthy level, for Penang, it's constantly around the 150+ mark. They think a we age, our lungs are more superior? PSHHHH. The reasons they say that we need to go for classes are because classes are conducted in air conditioned rooms. That doesn't really make sense to students who take public buses?? For instance, I have to take two public bus rides to reach college and two more again to reach back to my apartment. My exposure to the surrounding environment is too damn high!  So, "thanks" to college, I have to take several precautions every day:

#1 Face mask

1. Always wear a face mask when you're outside.
According to my extensive research on Google and certified websites, the white side should be attached to our face when we have the flu (color side facing outwards). So, when there's haze, the white side should face out in order to protect micro-organism from environment to come in contact with us!

#2 My water bottle :)

2. Drink a lot of water/liquid!
Due to the haze, the weather is constantly dry and duty, so drink a lot of water than usual! I would usually bring a 500ml water bottle and refill it at a nearby water filter when I'm done drinking. If you don't like drinking plain water, you can add in a few slices of lemon a day before and store it into the fridge.

3. Take in lots of vitamins!
If you're feeling  bit down from all the haze, slice some fruits and have it as a snack. Your intake of vitamins during the haze is very very important, to prevent yourself from falling ill, or to make you feel better if you're already ill.

#4 Spend more time indoors!
4. Stay indoors as much as possible
Avoid the haze as much as possible either by being in your own home or inside a building that's ventilated. I rarely go out or I straight away come back home after classes to avoid the haze.

5. No more fried food :(
I am eating a lot less fried food thanks to the haze. With the haze, my throat is easily irritated so I would avoid eating fried food. It's been a few months since I last had McDonald's. On the plus side, I feel healthier?

Before the haze~

After the haze~
So that's a few of my precautions during haze season. Make sure you're always prepared by bringing a few face masks out and a water bottle by your side 24/7. Here's to hoping that the haze season will end soon :)

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