Got myself a good camera (for novice) to begin my photography adventure. I've always been interested in photography, though I'm quite bad at it, but since a few of my classes in my course requires a camera, I thought why not I get myself one and make good use of it. One of my class for the course which I'm currently taking introduces us to photography and anything related to it. We got to learn about composition, lighting, history etc. 

On several occasions, we get to go on field trips to capture photographs and most of the time, we'll be given photography assignments. 

All photos below were taken by me. NO STEALING!

Botanic Garden, Penang

Botanic Garden, Penang

KOMTAR, Penang

Gurney Paragon, Penang

Chew Jetty, Penang

Chew Jetty, Penang

Chew Jetty, Penang


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